Today's boosted creature: Pirate Corsair Monster Pedestal Box
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Participation in dungeons is essential for your character's evolution. You can get red tokens to buy supplies and equipment, a skull token to try your luck at roulette, and a dungeon point that gives you access to exclusive areas and outfits.

Access to dungeons:

  • All players must have the minimum level required to enter the dungeon in question (and must not have exceeded the maximum level), and all dungeons have 2 entry rooms for each level. Your team can choose whichever one is not occupied by another team.

  • You can enter alone or in a team of up to 4 players, taking into account that the exp inside the dungeon will be multiplied by the number of players on the team, that is, if you enter a team of 4 players, everyone will have exp of the monsters multiplied by 4. To start the dungeon, just pull the lever with the team positioned.

  • Players do not need to be VIPS to enter the dungeons.
  • Dungeon Level Max Level Red Tokens Skull Token Dungeon Point
    250 500 28 1 1
    250 1000 30 1 1
    375 1500 32 1 1
    500 2000 34 1 1
    750 3000 36 1 1
    1000 4000 38 1 1
    1250 5000 40 1 1
    1500 6000 42 1 1
    1750 7000 44 1 1
    2000 8000 46 1 1
    2250 9000 48 1 1
    2500 10000 50 1 1

    To start the mission, you will have to access the dungeon entrance teleport of the level you choose, and when you pull the lever each team player will have 30 minutes to kill 1000 monsters.

    You will face:

  • Chakoya Toolshaper
  • Chakoya Tribewarden
  • Chakoya Windcaller
  • Choking Fear
  • Frazzlemaw
  • Guzzlemaw
  • Frost Giant
  • Retching Horror
  • Silencer
  • Dungeon Failure:

    After 30 minutes, if you haven't managed to kill the 1,000 monsters, you will be teleported out of the dungeon and you will not receive the reward.

    Success in the Dungeon!

    When managing to kill the 1,000 monsters, players can now leave the dungeon that will receive the reward automatically through the portal here:


  • All players can use the Party to participate in the death of monsters, thus counting a monster for each character.
  • All monsters have a chance to drop Red Token, put the loot in your !autoloot add, red token to get the most out of it.
  • Dungeon Roulette:

    You can use the skull tokens acquired in dungeons to try your luck at dungeon roulette.